If you want to publish and have budget limitations, then we would suggest you look at a DIY solution such as Lulu.com. You can use their tool to format your book, upload it and make it available for sale. You can also review the recorded webinar titled "The Four Paths to Publishing" to understand all of your publishing options and the pros and cons of each: https://www.authorlearningcenter.com/publishing/preparation/w/choosing-a-path/8002/the-four-paths-to-publishing
See my response below
Those all sound like scammers to me because I have never heard of them. Here's a helpful article that can help you determine if the company is legit or not. www.authorlearningcenter.com/.../how-to-recognize-a-publishing-or-hollywood-scammer
I am working on my first book being published and realized that 2 sections should be inside the book and not on the outside. This would be a section normally on the inside flaps of the dustcover about the author including the author's website name, and the information that might be on the inside dustcover flaps that mainly substantiate the information inside the book. This would leave the inside flaps of the dustcover for other types of either marketing information or something else that promotes the book or the author. Do you agree with this? If not, then what would you recommend?
Keith, I am getting a lot of emails from companies, like Books Avolare Book Discovery Program, The Book Walker, Writes Apex, and Book Solutions, who want to rebrand my book. They promise domestic and international distribution, 100% royalties,