Please contact our support team at:authorsupport@authorlearningcenter.comor866.697.5312
Thank you.
I can't always make the times for webinars I've signed up for. Why can't you record the webinar & let me see it when I can instead of requiring me to set up another time for the same webinar? Being able to attend webinars when they are not live is one of the reasons I am subscribing. This is my most important issue with Author Learning Center. If you cannot resolve this for me, I may have to rethink my subscription.
Hello, all ALC webinars are recorded and then posted to our website once the live sessions have taken place. There is a link to the recorded webinar archive at the top of our Webinars page: You can view these recordings at your convenience. Thank you.
I need an illustrator for my grief workbook. any suggestions?
Hello, you might find these two ALC articles helpful: