Building Bridges The Aim of the Rewrite - article

One interesting thing about writing is that it’s free. You can do as much work on a piece as you want. It doesn’t cost you money. It’s like composing a painting. But making a movie means that you have to take a lot of people along with you, directors and financiers and actors. All of them are investing in your project, so you have to make sure they can understand your goals. Rewriting can be a part of that, and it’s not just a chore—it can be really exciting. Frequently when I’m rewriting a screenplay, I feel like I’m out on an island of ideas trying to build a bridge back to the people I’ve left behind. Rewriting is all about filling in the gaps to make sure people can see in it what you see in it. Explain to them why a character is acting a certain way or put a little piece of information in that makes the ending make more sense, because no one but you is going to help people understand it. Once you’ve built that bridge and communicated your vision, you will have a whole group of people who are excited about getting your movie made.

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