Why is Re-writing Important? - podcast

Co-authors Theo Baker and Lin Oliver share their thoughts on how long, and how often, you should rewrite your work before it's finished. Listen in as they share their personal process as a writing team. If you don't have a co-author, an editor can fill this role. Both editors and co-authors can help with clarity, placement, and identifying what's necessary and what's not.
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  • thanks I agree.
  • Thank you for the sympathy. The fact is that it is hard sometimes not to think of creating shards of paper to throw into the wind out of my hard work. Knowing that one can get tired of his own book makes a difference. I can apparently read or watch someone else's work over and over - not tiring one bit; because I find it enjoyable to expand and bifurcate their ideas. I will keep that in mind during my re-writing process.