What Are The Different Levels Of Editing - video

Author and grammar expert, Constance Hale, offers a very clear description of the various types of editing, including copy editing, line editing, and structural (or developmental) editing. A good editing process includes all of these.
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  •     I left something information out.    The workbooks  is     from  my community service   board.       It helps  myself  for self improvement. 

    is left… to salvage things from being poor skitzopheenic alcholic that has shamed me…

    My thinking isn't as clear…. These days all I ever really knew was….

    This…. Life that seems to be hard to cope….

    I know with out a mental Illness maybe people forget there mistakes and go on…

    I'm not sure…

    I seem to remember continuesly on a daily basis

    Things I couldn't control I am maybe in God's eyes I am not responsible for…

    My thoughts race…

    What parable of the sead… changed as it grew….

    Some was weads… others was beautiful wild flower s blooming…

    That seemed to die around high noon…

    I guess some was a tree… bushes with brier….

    And thistles thorns….

    Some was feed… for the animals and people….

    I think I reinstate I hope I am not what I never

    Wanted to be….

    These thoughts that changed as time proceeds…

    Or I looked back to remember….my life…

    What I think now was different than today….

    Some I overcomed…

    But I guess what grew...in it's place...was what's left of just me…. A branch broke…

    Or shoots of leaves….

    I'm not sure if I had a choice to be a sead…

    I would like to do as Jesus says to do…. and bear fruit….

    I know I made mistakes….

    But I am ok... I hope….

    I'm don't want to be the things that got worse… or I over came… but can't get over…

    From the pain...of what I didn't have faith… of a grain... I did try cause when I got sick with my illness… Jesus was coming back… it seemed to change… when he didn't return… and I didn't have a chance to get to know him….

    I know how a snowball turns…

    I hope I feel better today…


    Cindy Young

    Pg 14.

    Sunday June 18
    If I am dillagent I wont miss important events..
    Watching for the Lord's return or the change in the weather.
    I can't control the snow...
    I can make a differance when I know how to dress for the occasion... Dont wear shoes that are uncomfortable if I got plans
    I put my trust in Jesus..
    And I'll watch the traffic lights dont put myself in harms ways
    Taking chance s on a scratch off lottery ticket ....I prayed for I bless the trees ground fruit.. Sky children young old that others take in vain god dammning everything...
    I want to change...
    Im sorry Jesus for the things I made... Good and bad
    I love you Jesus why ...
    I live if I'm caught unaware from drinking or going out of my mind...
    I look responsible for Me. Actions... If I wake up from a night drinking
    Im not sure if its jails hospitals homeless shelters or the streets its bad enough I f I died....or some one else...
    I can try to control my thoughts voice out bursts... Dear God . I love you Jesus...
    Thats what I hope to strive for gentleness and caution...
    Peace..meek...amen by cindy young  Sorry,  I like to read   what     some of the writers   wrote. Cindy

  • Hi,    Im  working on   publishing  four-6    daily devotional  "often "  Poetic journals.   I wrote one.    Im    working on  them  from answering questions   from a  self help books. From mental illness ,    emotions,  substance abuse.  The  question in the book  might be numbered  or part  a   part b   .   Like for instance    do you feel you can change?    ..   And  I have   a  brief  example   about this.  I feel it is not plagiarism.  But a  tool.  What do you think?    I am also     hoping to draw pictures with each    Daily   Devotion   Journal  entry.     I wrote one so far in 2017. This is  a   example                                                                                                                                                            

    March 24th 2019



      Symbols that represent coats  of armour and the crest of shields of a family name can preserve  the past of lineage

    To inheritance of   a Throne.

    If   there was a  pup or a cat  forsaken or cast out

    Or lost because it wandered and went stray

     For reasons    it got seperated  

    From a medieval   family down thru the years of generations

    Just  say it was  true in so many instances.  

    Maybe even  the Cat who is a Tiger or a Lion  lost his memory . But the King of a Jungle  maybe somewhere roamed along time ago.

    A beautiful Lion  or a Tiger

    In God’s eyes  and even if you recall astrology  or also

    Chinese Zodiac.

    Was pretty different . A Lion's roar   and

    Of the royal breed showed     

    On a family tree.  To signify what the family owned

    Unless it be lost marking  territory “ TO EACH HIS OWN”

     Young cubs or kittens  a family of cats purred and stretched  . A Feline

     If I make any sense    the Feline felt trapped often    when it was brought to civilization.  I guess zoos and other Animal bars ….

    To watch the magnificent   beast roar and sleep .

    Sometimes  being a animal the  attacked human beings

       I donot    think a Lion is held accountable  for That.

    And  the Human  Poaching

    And Human Wars

    And  Human Revolutions

    And  Human Revolts

    And  Human Mistakes

    It means  to me. I am accountable for the things  the beliefs and rights I had valued the system  of each authority . Rules

    I know the difference   when I know the rules. I guess  without that . Abide I made a attempt    to write if I believed we are responsible for  are actions . I guess sometimes “ YES”


    By:  Cindy Young

    Cindy’s Journal

    March 18th & April 3rd  2019

    MONDAY & Wednesday


    Going back to correct the matter  that I existed .

    The matter   that I tried.

    And I make a  list to fortify and strengthen

    The beginning for me   to succeed

    And be good  at I guess at the age of 44.

    For myself   I can only see  the things that are cheapened .

    Things    that I give myself  and chance to understand and ponder things similar  to the Odes of England or The Odes of Pindar even Achilles   Heel .

    Ect. ect. Ect.

    A answer  to what I think and feel.

    To begin    In my house

    Starting  with the floors and  the dishes .

    To go back and get what I missed  of the crumbs and dirt .

    Till it's perfect.

    It is still   the Easter year .

    It is still  Easter.

    The   choice and change  I like to wonder if it will make a difference

      To learn to pray more.

    In    the flesh and the spirit.


    Sometimes  I remember the better life I craved.

    The life that included a sobor chance

    A opportunity  to flourish, grow and bloom

    I realized I could not obtain material possessions

    Jobs   and Lust

    The things that brings  happiness and friends

    Like a fork in a  road .

    Could it be that

     everyone gets a chance

    Some with my attempts gets laughed at

    Like Jesus offered     to be king of Earth

     After a 40 days  fast

    The devil appeared


    The left turn  or the right   dirt gravel bends  and hills

    Stopping to smell    the roses

    And a  drink of coffee.


    Similar  to a flower desiring the sun and shade and    the rain when it thirst to keep from dying .

    Leaning towards  the light when it is morning  .

    There was a beautiful rose.

    The choice the gardener has to pick  which one

    Goes in a vase or

    Weed eating ,

    or a child

    Rescues  a wild Yellow  Butter Cup


     A deer in the forest grazes and nuzzles   the seeds before a Wedding .

    The times of the past  is how the beauty is   in the Eye

    A choice  somehow I can't   make .

    Which one  to analyze.

    Which one to plant and which one  to buy.

    Maybe somehow upset ,  when I compare a rose to  LOVE

    cause  the rose doesn't have  a long time to live.

    And the beauty  is not what I thought about.

     The thistles and   thorns scattered around  the stems and scattered leaves     

     A silk dress  of the petals worn from  a woman's ball gown . There was a decoration  of

    bonnet  or flower behind her ear.

    The dew glistened    on the soft skin.

      From a black  and white photograph

    The young woman smells of perfumed bath water.

    In the old west

    Tin   Wash Pan    for fifty cents a room and bar and


    It was  What it always was   it was no matter her life !

    The rose was never tarnished.

    Begin the next day. I was beside the bush  Another spring day .

    With hopes and the long stems to  keep alive the fragile soul

    Of a woman or a man who watched the rose grow.

    Feeling “   I don't want to lose you”  I CAN'T KEEP YOU

    “This tender touch “  My heart yearns with a love that slips away.

    Things  I cannot capture from the five senses  of ache.

    To the colors    . of two or three   or a single one .

    I celebrate the serenity  of prayer…

    A Narcotics and  Alcohol song.

    “You are the prettiest one.”

       I love the days   I can watch the sun play .

    The bunnies hop.

    My childrens  prom.

      I remember   the perfect love.

        I before  we sipped the wine

    Danced the lights

    Was everything wrong?

    The  rose everyone knows

    To; god another day to; god

     Between   the page

    A Rose .

     That does not make me happy to remember

    The life I had  and the memories

    All   everyone Talks about

    Didn’t matter to me

    Didn’t matter to me

    To hang on too a first Love  dead or gone

    To hang on

    To hang her on a wall

     I didn’t have  that kind of love at all.

     I had the  love that I remembered  in my heart


    By;   Cindy Young    It needs work.  I feel it is below   my ability.   I have trouble with   editing.   I was not     exactly sure  what the definitions means.   A quick search would   explain  ..  As well as bad habits  for myself.  Thank  You  for your broadcast.   Cindy

  • While writing I do have problems with punctuation, colons, semicolon and etc.; my thoughts are totally made up. I sort of speed write, becoming the character or thing needing to bring it to life visually with punctuation in my mind as I go. I'm surprised...

    Even so, the things I'm acquiring from the learning center help to sharpen and hone in on areas to save time and efforts.  

    In my arsenal I have what was mentioned except The Elements of Style, of which I will soon get. 

  • Thank you, Constance, for your clear and easily-understood explanation explaining the differences in types of editing. I must say that as soon as I saw you were the author of VEX, HEX, SMASH, SMOOSH your cred went up one hundred-fold; I loved that book! Thanks again!