Blogging: Using Blogspot - article

BlogSpot, also known as Blogger, has been a favorite blogging site for many new writers. In part, because BlogSpot is part of the Google family, its blogs are automatically included in Google’s blog searches. Moreover, recently Google has updated the behind-the-scenes dashboard design, so that it is more user-rich. While the new BlogSpot features make for a friendlier user experience, they do require JavaScript to work. (Actually, they’ve made it an optional alternative for now.)

When deciding on the look and feel of your blog, you need only select one of the many templates available, templates that you can customize. Once you decide on a template, you can change different elements with a simple click.

One of the great features of Blogger is its built-in visitors stats, which tell you just about everything you need to know about your visitors. This makes it an easy task to track growth in the number of your visitors over given periods of time. You can also use these stats to test changes to your blog, and assess whether visitors react better to certain elements than to others.

One feature of Blogger that appeals to many users is that Blogger’s free version allows the use of third-party script. One of the other more popular blogging site, WordPress, does not allow third-party scripts. Nor does Blogger charge for domain name transfers in situations where you already own a domain. WordPress charges an annual fee to transfer domain names.

If you are mobile and want to post to your blog via email, Blogger allows you to do so. Blogger will give you a special email address for your posts. Once received, the posts are formatted and posted to your blog instantly.

Finally, if you want to use Google AdWords on your blog you should definitely sign up for BlogSpot. WordPress won’t work for you, as it doesn’t allow Google AdWords on its free version.

Happy blogging.

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