Tips for Garnering Excellent Book Reviews - video

When you are ready to start receiving some book reviews, it's okay to be selective. Literary publicist Stephanie Barko offers tips on how to get quality book reviews for your book. She stresses the importance of only requesting book reviews from people with a strong writing skill that are up to your standards. A poorly written review with misspellings and typos doesn't reflect well on your book. Look on Amazon for top reviewers in your genre. Also search Goodreads and other sources that commonly post book reviews.
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  • I have written reviews for authors but for free reluctant to do anymore unless paid to do them most of which are on Amazon; I have new website I made to sell my books was easy to design and build once I got used to their tools and it's free only took 2 hours to make ;
  • Very good info!
  • Thanks Stephanie, Your information has been helpful because I do not want to taint my reputation as an author. Sometime readers may get turned offed by misspelled words.