The Importance of Frequency and Relevance in Building an Author’s Platform Online

Author platforms and branding work together to create meaningful strategies that allow authors to create awareness for their work and entice readers to buy their books. An author platform is an author's ability to reach readers, while branding is how the author is perceived by readers and can include logos, genres, messaging, and more.

Per W Publishing Group Publicity Manager Allison Carter, social media is an important part of building an author's online platform. The key to success with getting noticed online is frequency and relevance, she says. Frequency is how often an author posts new content on their social media platforms. The more often an author posts, the more likely the platform's algorithm is to show that content to users. Relevance is how newsworthy your content is, meaning is it trending or evergreen. It's important to find ways to tie your content and messaging to things that are relevant.

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