One way to generate interest in your book is to obtain endorsements. Endorsements increase readers’ respect for your work and can encourage readers to pick up your book for the first time. You wrote an awesome book. All you need is for folks to pick it up. That’s what endorsements are all about.
The way to get endorsements is to ask. It’s that simple. It’s a matter of drafting a simple e-mail asking someone to endorse your book. You should mention the benefits to the endorser for supporting your work, such as linking to the endorser’s site and mentioning any works of the endorser. Providing a benefit to your endorser should encourage a positive response to your query.
When you ask for an endorsement, make it as easy as possible for the endorser. Include sample endorsements that can be modified to create a personalized endorsement. Offer a sample copy of your book for review. Don’t attach it to your first contact e-mail but wait until you receive a request. Always thank your potential endorsers for their time and consideration.
Where should you seek endorsements? Always start through your network. Ask your colleagues if they or someone they know might consider endorsing your book. Begin your contact e-mails by explaining your connection to the targeted endorser. A personal connection will break the ice and help increase your chances of receiving an endorsement. Don’t be shy. You worked hard to create contacts. The worse thing that could happen is your request might be denied.
Don’t just stop at your network. You can get celebrity and expert endorsements too. Think about people who might have some interest in your work. Don’t choose random celebrities or experts, but choose ones that you know will be moved by the content of your book. For example, if your book is about shark attacks, seek endorsements from shark experts, not from general biologists. Extend an invitation to a celebrity known for being a shark advocate, Slash from Guns and Roses. Usually, you will first be in contact with an assistant to the celebrity or expert, which might ease your mind when making first contact.
Take this advice to heart and begin a list of potential endorsers now, even if you haven’t finished your book. It’s always a good idea to be ready to start marketing.