Organizing a Book Signing - podcast

Just like you pitch your book to an agent, be ready to pitch your book signing marketing strategy to an independent bookstore, advises Julie Wernersbach, publicist for indie bookstore BookPeople. It's a business partnership: you want the store to buy more books, and the store wants you to get people there to buy them. Make it easy for them to decide: email the store contact with your marketing strategy for the event describing why they should consider it, and why you chose this store. It is difficult to get people to attend based on topic, so provide detailed information on what you will do to promote the event, who you are contacting and your book's distribution. Help them help you.
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  • There were three questions that were very helpful to me. Thanks you. Why would they have my book signing at their store? Will it draw people to the store? Where and how do they order your book? I'd like for your to join my author's circle.
  • You need to start right now. Don't wait... that is what I have been told and I've listened to several webinar and they say start thinking about it even as you are writing. I am having my book signing at our historical hotel in February. My book is a children's book for ages 4-8 years old. What is your book about? I am looking for a circle of authors to bounce ideas off of for my next book.
  • It's my first book too and I's looking for a circle of authors. Mine is a children's book and it is being printed as I type. I am having my book sign in February. I'd love for you to join with me.