3 Steps to Securing a Bookstore Event - video

Book signings and events are wonderful opportunities for authors. Bookstore events not only help you promote and sell your book, but they also have the potential to make a strong impact on a reader's life, making a memory that will last a lifetime and promote the love of the written word. In this webinar, Melissa Glowski, a twenty-year veteran of the bookstore industry, shares the three secrets of how to get book signings in bookstores. She covers the details of the three steps to securing a bookstore event, which include: building relationships, making it easy, and promoting the event. For any author interested in setting up a book signing or other bookstore event, this webinar will help you not only schedule the event, but also conduct an impactful, successful event that benefits you and your readers.
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  • Thanks Melissa for your very helpful advice. It is most important that authors promote their book signings, and they should try to give them in every town where they have lived. Authors should contact every regional paper in towns where they have previously lived, as well as where they live now, and send out individual Press Releases, including their local connections. Best of luck to everyone! It might help you pick up further ideas from my websites www.celebritiesconfessions.com and www.fantasyadventurebooks.com Tony Flood, author of spicy crime thriller Triple Tease and celebrity revelations book My Life With The Stars.