The 3 Ps of Successful Book Signings - podcast

Books don’t sell themselves. People sell books. And as the author, you have to sell your book. How do you, as an author, make your book stand out from the masses? There are several ways, and one is to host a book signing. Event manager Jessica Barrett shares successful book signing tips to help your event shine. She says that the secret to hosting a successful book signing is executing the three Ps: planning, promotion, and pitching. By following Barrett's advice, you'll soon be selling and promoting your book like a pro.

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  • I will be doing my first book signing in the next couple weeks. This is valuable information! Thank you!
  • Very important information. Book signing is great. And planing where to go for that event is very important. Thanks for your great advise. I will take them into considerations. God bless.
  • As I have been preparing for a major event that is to take place near my home town of which I will be a part of by displaying my new book, many of the things that have been mentioned here has come to mind. How do I best present myself to the public? How should I dress for such an occasion? Flip flops ok? How to I communicate with the public as they walk to, or pass by my book's display area? This video has addressed many thoughts that have come to mind, and has given me much to think about. Thanks, and God bless.
  • This info is very helpful. I am a first time published author and on unsteady feet. Your help is wonderful. My book is non fiction with poetic details to enhance. all work original.. Breaking free, author Alberta Mann. Writing under a pen name so more difficult. thanks so much.
  • Jessica, thank you could never be enough for the information I just received listening to your video! You have thought of and outlined everything. This was the most informative video on book signings that I have seen. Because of you, I will be completely prepared for my upcoming book signing at the news Center. I honestly can't thank you enough. God bless you!