The 3 Ps of Successful Book Signings - video

Books don’t sell themselves. People sell books. And as the author, you have to sell your book. How do you, as an author, make your book stand out from the masses? There are several ways, and one is to host a book signing. Event manager Jessica Barrett shares successful book signing tips to help your event shine. She says that the secret to hosting a successful book signing is executing the three Ps: planning, promotion, and pitching. By following Barrett's advice, you'll soon be selling and promoting your book like a pro.
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  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Roger... your real signature, shaky and all, is what people really want. It's authentic and personal.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Joanne -- we are thrilled that you found such value in this webinar. If you search on "book signing" or "events" here on the ALC you'll find even more great content that can help. Good luck with your poetry book and I hope you have many successful book signings.
  • Thank you!!! Have a poetry book, Scraped Knees, that is now available on line and is in the process of the final publication process, have not yet received the author copies. The information in this webinar is so valuable that I will be listening again and organizing my notes and my preparation for a book signing in the future.
  • Thanks Jessica! I feel much better prepared by your coaching. However, with my shaky handwriting, I don't think I can write anything readable. So my scrawled signature will have to do. . . Roger "Guys"
  • Thank you for your insightful tips. You have helped me feel comfortable and confident that I am going in the right direction with early planning and promoting. At my first book sales event the container of soft peppermints seemed to have drawn customers that I was able to pitch my book too. Thanks for the confirmation on engaging the customer. I'm hoping I have so many books to sign, I won't have time to walk Thanks for sharing!