Book Blog Tour - article

Authors need to connect with fans to expand the marketing scope of their books. One avenue is to participate in forums, online groups, and blogs to spread the word. These avenues can be used to create relationships with readers and fans… which is the foundation of a grassroots movement to sell books. To be successful with this type of marketing, however, an author must avoid the hard sell. People who talk about themselves and what they are selling and don’t engage others are basically spammers. You definitely don’t want to create an image of yourself as a spammer.

Effective forum and blog marketing is all about entering conversations. To participate, you must read forums and blogs and then add intelligent ideas to discussion threads. Threads are a set of messages from various participants grouped together under a single topic in a forum. You should join blog conversations, as well. Visit well-traveled blogs related to reader communities, book lovers, the topic of your book (or its setting, character types, moral message, etc.), or the genre of your book. Make your presence know by responding to the content. You should always try to be upbeat when commenting.

"The more provocative your words, the more likely you will find others tweeting your ideas or spreading them on Facebook."

So how is anyone going to hear about your book if all you are doing is commenting? Intelligent comments have a way of going viral. The more provocative your words, the more likely you will find others tweeting your ideas or spreading them on Facebook. Another way you will reach readers is through your signature line. It should always include your name and the title of your book and if possible a link to the book. You also need a profile picture. Some authors choose to use either a head shot or their book cover for their profile picture. Both of these choices are preferable to a cute cartoon character or no photo at all. Always display a professional image. Your participation in forums and the blogs of others will make readers aware of what you have to say, and you don’t want to give them any reason to avoid you.

Be aware, blogging can be a powerful force. Bloggers influence readers. They help steer readers to the best books. You may want to blog yourself. Blogging can help you build a dedicated following. With the many social media tools on the web, word-of-mouth advertising is more powerful than ever before. An illustration of the power of the Web is the fact that book bloggers are such powerful force in the book world that now the Book Bloggers Convention in held annually, in association with the Book Expo of America conference. Bloggers have worldwide influence.

Think about the potential of blogging and forum posting as a marketing strategy. Your reach may be farther than you ever dreamed.

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