To sell books authors must be able to reach out to readers. Many authors are interviewed by radio stations. You want to shine as an author, and the way to do this is to be well prepared. Nothing can prepare you better for this experience than a class in public speaking or professional media training. Consider working this kind of training into your busy schedule. It will help you ensure success during interviews.
So take the class but also consider the following tips that can help you give the best radio interview.
Tip 1. Soft sell. An interview is not an infomercial. Don’t peddle your book during the interview. Stick to informational tidbits and not phrasing such as, “My book is available on Kindle, Amazon, and Nook, for the amazing low price of $19.99.” This shameless promotion will only get your interview cut short. Let the interviewer do the promotion work for you. Give them your website and book info at the beginning of the interview and trust them to promote it a few times.
Tip 2. Speak clearly. You want to slow down your speech for a radio interview and annunciate clearly. It’s important your tone be even and devoid of “ums”, “uhs” and “you knows.” Practice recording yourself a few times before the interview. Listen carefully to your recording for any poor speaking habits and revise accordingly.
Tip 3. Preparation. Not everyone is able to quickly answer questions. Sometimes stage fright will make important facts disappear from your mind. To avoid embarrassing lulls in conversation and unwelcome stuttering, ask the interviewer for the questions beforehand. Write out a few low-tech note cards as prompts to use during the interview. Don’t write out everything you plan to say because you want to keep an extemporaneous spirit.
Tip 4. Do and don’t. Do always refer to your book by its title. Instead of “my book,” always call it by its full title. This will help listeners remember your book and find it after the interview. Don’t tell all during the interview. You want to offer listeners tidbits about your books that will leave them hungry for more. Leave plenty of cliffhangers in your talk that will drive listeners to buy your book.
Tip 5. Be appreciative. Be sure to send a thank-you note after an interview. This small touch will smooth the path for future interviews.