Speaking: Turn your Speeches into a Book - article

There are several motivational speakers who have turned their talks into books and videos. You see those books and videos for sale at bookstores and you may have even caught a few on the Internet and television. These speakers have turned their self-help messages into media gold.

You, too, can take your speeches and rework it into a book. And just like a book, you can outline the parts that make sense, group certain topics together, and write a piece worthy of publication. Your book should be as comfortable to write as it is for you to speak in front of an audience. The book is a chance to expand the details of what you cover in your speeches or to write to the themes that connect multiple speeches.

When working on your book, make sure that you bring as much joy and detail as you did with your speech. You want the reader to understand your topic and be able to apply it without you being present. 

If you are already on the speaking circuit and the topics you talk about really stand out, selling a book to audience members can be pretty easy. They are already interested in the topic. They will buy it and use it as a reference at home. Then they will tell others about it and recommend those people buy it, too. You can also put it on your website to be sold separately from any speaking engagements. You can even market the book back to people who have attended past speeches. The reason books built from speeches do well is because you have a built in audience. Write that book and build a second income stream for yourself based on an already successful speaking career.

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