Developing Your Public Speaking Skills - podcast

Patty Chang Anker, author of “Some Nerve” and established TedX speaker, talks about how to overcome the fear of public speaking and become an excellent public speaker. As an author, she understands how hard it is to stand up in front of others and share what matters most to you, not knowing how it will be received. She encourages people who want to improve their public speaking skills to start with smaller audiences. Embrace the fact that it's normal to be nervous. Remember why you're there, why the audience is there, and the impact that your message will have on others. Helping others connect, better themselves, and improve their world is worth the effort of overcoming your fear of public speaking.
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  • Thank you Patty for your very inspiring yet deceptively simple message which so obviously came from your heart. Warm wishes
  • I felt better about speaking as your advice progressed. I will take your advice and create several approaches based on the audience. By book is a self-help Memoir about losing two wonderful wives to cancer. I share the final moments with them both and how I was uplifted. Thanks
  • Such a good advice. Thank you.
  • Thank you for the amazing advice. I've always had a fear of stepping up and talking onstage, but when you really think of why you're up there in front of an audience, you will be more relaxed and confident with whatever you want to say.
  • Good message about encouraging yourself to speak and share your experience and I believe that everything will fall into place.