Much of what award-winning author Jeanne Lyet Gassman knows about book marketing has been self-taught. Whether a writer is traditionally or self-published, there are several key initiatives that she recommends for a successful book launch. First, you need to know your audience and where your book will live on the shelf. Second, you need to seek out endorsements or reviews from other, more established authors in your genre. Third, there are several websites where authors must have a presence, including Goodreads and NetGalley. She strongly recommends book giveaways to generate interest and reviews as well. Last, participate in book festivals and make yourself available for interviews, speaking engagements, and guest blog posts. It's never too early to get a mailing list together to keep your network posted on your activities, so be sure to have a presence on the appropriate social media channels for your audience.
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I am an author (The Power of I Believe, A book of motivation, encouragement and inspirational thoughts after a stroke, a Christian-themed book written to help stroke survivor.
An Honest and Courageous Advocate for Stroke Survivors, Now in Addison to my book. I began to get my independence back and I'm can show you how it's done!
And I’m Motivational Speaker for post-stroke recovery and education, training, leadership, religion.
The call for "Independence Living" after stroke. My new company called Prodigal Solutions launched In January 2017.
An update:
An Honest and Courageous Advocate for Stroke Survivors
I was asked to set up a table to promo my book at, National Aphasia Awareness Month, 15th annual Aphasia day, Saturday, June 17, 2017, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, 355 E Erie St, Chicago, IL formerly known as Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
Very useful information.