Niche Appeal: Catering to the Weird - podcast

Seth Godin, bestselling author, blogger, and marketing expert, discusses the importance of staying true the vision for your book even if it isn't what traditional publishers want. He reminds us to know our audience, know our vision, make sure we are original. Forget trying to reach mass markets that the traditional publishers want ... reach for YOUR target audience. You do this with originality.
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  • This is excellent advice. But perhaps not that easy to implement unless you have a passion and know every little details about it.
  • I have recently published "Damaged From The Inside Out: Life After A dramatic Brain Injury" and would like to know about different marketing strategies. I have done a few book signings and have used email as a marketing tool as well. I need to know what else I can do and what else you have found works.
  • Thank you Seth, I listened attentively to your comments so that it remains fresh in my mind. I wrote a story about a friend I have lost. It was an act of attempting to share my loss, with an audience I have created in this place, and having suppressed the idea of a book for more than forty years. The idea is presently in its editing stage. I am , at this point in time, speaking to people who are interested in the finished product. Cyril Paul
  • Hello Seth... Your discussion was very interesting especially your stressing; write what you want others to read not what many might browse. I may have oversimplefied it somewhat but writing what you have known and experienced in life may be of interest to some others also, appears to be my own goal in writing. Best, K R Mercer
  • I write romance novels but they are slightly off kilter than what is the norm but I believe in what I am writing. I presume that is what you mean by weird.