Have you offered a free excerpt on your Facebook page? How often should you change your cover photo? Is your avatar a picture of you or your brand?
Self-publishers were among the attendees of a fast-paced 2012 BookExpo America (BEA) session on Advanced Facebook Marketing conducted by social media strategist Cindy Ratzlaff, a self-described “brand evangelist” and “buzz marketer.”
Her take on the first three questions: if you haven’t offered an excerpt, you should. You should change your cover photo often. And the avatar (the small image on the upper left of your page) should represent the brand, not the author.
Ratzlaff has graciously made her presentation available here . Before you bounce over, here are a few more tips:
Ratzlaff recommends a few sites and apps (some paid, some free) to add spark to your page, like lujure.com (customized pages), pickmonkey.com (photo mosaics), woobox.com (coupons, sweepstakes, polls). Facebook’s Help Center for apps can be found here.
Why is all this work worth the time? Facebook has 901 million monthly active users, with members spending nearly eight hours a month on the site. Those and other intriguing social media stats can be found at The Social Skinny.
My favorite Ratzlaff tip is one of the most obvious. Create a practice page and try anything and everything without ever publishing. Then, when you’re comfortable and everything looks just right, pull back the curtain.