Knowing Which Social Media to Choose - podcast

Knowing which social media to use for book marketing can be overwhelming to a new author. Publicist Stephanie Barko offers guidelines on picking the social media tools that will help you best reach your audience. First, look at which social media platforms are the most popular for your target audience. For example, Pinterest is a relatively new platform that can be a wonderful tool for authors to use for book marketing. Second, use the social media platforms that are appropriate for your material. Barko discusses the benefits of using LinkedIn, including the endorsement system and posting your digital resume.
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  • This is excellent information, however, I do not understand how either one works. I have joined both, but as I am not computer savvy, I don't know how to comment and post for myself or my book on there. My books deal with domestic violence and the material and content concerning my heroine are based on my life although I fictionalized the book. Does anyone have any expertise in this area?
  • This is excellent information, however, I do not understand how either one works. I have joined both, but as I am not computer savvy, I don't know how to comment and post for myself or my book on there. My books deal with domestic violence and the material and content concerning my heroine are based on my life although I fictionalized the book. Does anyone have any expertise in this area?