Cherish: Create in Me a Clean Heart

by Debby L. Johnston

About the Book

Reverend Andy Garrett of the First Baptist Church of Cherish, Illinois, finally gets his boots dirty! The farmers in his congregation tease him about being a city boy, but they start to nod approvingly after he helps deliver a litter of pigs, relieve a constipated draft horse, and tip a cow with a displaced stomach. These things prove to be simple, however, compared to another challenge Andy had never expected the challenge of pastoring his father, a man who had cursed God all of his life.

Thankfully, Christ faithfully draws Mac Garrett closer to Himself, and He miraculously closes the divide between father and son.

Abounding with characters you've come to love and new ones you'll delight to meet Cherish: Create in Me a Clean Heart (third novel in the Cherish series) inspires, as well as surprises, with tears and laughter.

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  • I love how the novel blends humor, personal growth, and faith, especially with the touching storyline of his relationship with his father. The idea of Christ bridging the divide between father and son is really powerful. It sounds like the third book in the Cherish series will be an emotional rollercoaster, with both laughter and tears. Can't wait to see how the characters continue to evolve! ragdoll hit

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