Life Skills for the Journey: Identify Essential Life Skills That Matter with 5 Successful Approaches

by Gloria Sloan

About the Book

You have a pivotal role elevating personal development. We use life skills for personal and professional growth at every phase of our development so that we may live life to the fullest. Gleaned from pertinent research, Gloria Sloan unearths insights to ascertain that any skill used on a daily basis can be considered a treasured life skill. An inspiring book of self-help, truths, and strategies, Life Skills for the Journey shares profound wisdom to help transform the lives of individuals into journeys of wholeness, personal growth, and fulfillment. From start to finish, powerful, intellectual, and revelatory teachings are shared that will benefit individuals spiritually, mentally, and physically. Each lesson is varied, detailed, and in-depth, allowing anyone to walk away positively changed in several ways. Sloan's content beautifully and clearly shares the insights of achieving life skills while maintaining a wonderful sense of expression, revealing practical and life-changing ways in which the reader can improve various aspects of his or her own life.

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