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  • The Audiobook Market - video

    Audiobooks and ebooks are outpacing the print book market, experiencing consistent double digit growth. This is great news for authors who are looking for another...
    Jason Ojalvo
    • Jason Ojalvo
  • The Future of Audiobooks - video

    Are you considering publishing an audiobook? Jason Ojalvo, Vice President of Content at Audible.Com, provides insight into audiobook trends in today's market. Based...
    Jason Ojalvo
    • Jason Ojalvo
  • The Future of Audiobooks - podcast

    Are you considering publishing an audiobook? Jason Ojalvo, Vice President of Content at Audible.Com, provides insight into audiobook trends in today's market. Based...
    Jason Ojalvo
    • Jason Ojalvo
  • Should Every Book be an Audiobook? - podcast

    Most books available in print should also exist as audio books due to consumer demand for the format, according to Jason Ojalvo, vice president of content at Audible...
    Jason Ojalvo
    • Jason Ojalvo
  • Should Every Book be an Audiobook? - video

    Most books available in print should also exist as audio books due to consumer demand for the format, according to Jason Ojalvo, vice president of content at Audible...
    Jason Ojalvo
    • Jason Ojalvo