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Lindsey Gobel Discusses Her Co-Authoring Experience with Race Car Driver Sarah Fisher
Lindsey Gobel
Freelance writer and publicist Lindsey Gobel was approached in 2010 to ghostwrite a book for retired professional racecar driver and team owner Sarah Fisher. Gobel was already doing public relations work for Fisher when presented with the book idea...
over 6 years ago
Writing Jobs
Working with a Literary Publicist
Lindsey Gobel
This webinar with freelance publicist and communications professional Lindsey Gobel reviews what an author can expect from working with a literary publicist, as well as detailed examples of what is involved in a publicity campaign. Gobel talks about...
over 6 years ago
Public Relations
Publicity Campaigns
The Essential Elements of an Author Media Kit
Lindsey Gobel
An essential tool for any new author is an author media kit. A media kit gives authors the edge they need to help drum up press by exhibiting professionalism and providing the metadata that every journalist, reviewer or bookstore needs to publicize information...
over 5 years ago
Public Relations
Press Kits
Essential Things to Include in an Author Media Kit
Lindsey Gobel
An author's media or press kit is his or her calling card says freelance writer, editor, and publicist Lindsey Gobel. Gobel has worked with many authors on their book launch publicity campaigns, and knows that delivering a high quality press kit to...
over 6 years ago
Public Relations
Press Kits
Tips for Finding Freelance Writing Opportunities
Lindsey Gobel
Working as a freelance writer can offer a lot of flexibility while providing exposure to a variety of industries and topics. Freelance writer, editor, and publicist Lindsey Gobel has been freelancing for a number of years, so most of her clients come...
over 6 years ago
Writing Jobs
Freelance Writer
Tips for Creating an Effective Author Website
Lindsey Gobel
A professional looking author website is an important tool to promote your platform and work. It also acts as a central hub for all of your other online activity such as a blog or social media. Per freelance writer, editor, and publicist Lindsey Gobel...
over 6 years ago
Creating a Website
How Authors Can Make the Most of Their Book Publicity Campaigns
Lindsey Gobel
Freelance writer and publicist Lindsey Gobel has worked with many authors on their book launch publicity campaigns. Two key initiatives that Gobel has seen work for authors are creating relationships with local businesses and libraries and entering...
over 6 years ago
Public Relations
Publicity Campaigns
How to Give a Great Author Interview
Lindsey Gobel
In this webinar, freelance publicist and communications expert Lindsey Gobel reviews how an author can prepare and deliver a great interview. She discusses the “Dos and Don’ts” of setting up an interview and arranging your media message in advance. In...
over 5 years ago
Making the Most of Your Book Launch Campaign
Lindsey Gobel
This webinar is a follow-up to Working with a Literary Publicist and reviews how an author can make the most of his or her literary publicity campaign. Freelance publicist and communications professional Lindsey Gobel begins with the overall goals...
over 5 years ago
Public Relations
Publicity Campaigns
Press Releases: An Essential Publicity Tool for Authors
Lindsey Gobel
This webinar goes over a professional press release and why it is important to authors. Freelance publicist and communications pro Lindsey Gobel discusses how to create a press release and how to adhere to the strict writing guidelines required. Authors...
over 3 years ago
Public Relations
Press Releases