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Key Ingredients for Writing a Bestseller - recorded webinar
Ken Atchity
Join producer, literary manager and author Ken Atchity as he reveals the secret ingredients for writing a bestseller. He’ll cover key story elements including building a compelling world, strong characters, a universal theme, and more. In addition to...
over 6 years ago
I have an Idea!
How to Get Your Book into Libraries - recorded webinar
Amy Collins
Book distribution expert Amy Collins has helped countless authors sell their books to libraries across North America. In this course, you'll discover the immense potential of getting your book stocked in a single branch and learn how self-published authors...
over 6 years ago
Distribution & Sales
Get It Done! Writing Workshop - recorded webinar
Cathy Fyock
This two-part session, led by book author and coach Cathy Fyock, will focus on how to write more productively and effectively. Over the course of our two hours together, writers will explore their story ideas through instructor-led writing exercises...
over 7 years ago
Managing Your Writing Life
Writing Exercises
Book in a Year: Getting Started with Fiction - recorded webinar
Jeanne Lyet Gassman
If your Book in a Year goal is to write and publish a fiction novel, this webinar is for you. Even though you may have a great idea for a story, it can be daunting to transform that idea into a full-length novel. In this first webinar, we will explore...
over 6 years ago
Plot Planning
21 Deadly Sins of Writing Romance - recorded webinar
Donna Hatch
Romance is a here-to-stay market. Learn how to make your story a romance readers will love. This writing workshop with romance author Donna Hatch will teach you how to construct a plot with believable conflict, and you'll learn how to write main characters...
over 7 years ago
Plot Planning
6 Point of View Techniques - recorded webinar
Donna Hatch
Choosing your point of view (POV) is an important aspect of any story. While it may not change the trajectory of your story as a whole, the lens through which you tell it makes a difference. Before you begin writing, ask yourself, "Who can best tell...
over 7 years ago
Points of View
Uncovering the 6 Obstacles Blocking You From Finishing Your Book - recorded webinar
Tom McKinley
Join author Tom McKinley as he breaks down the 6 obstacles blocking you from finishing your book. Whether you're a first time writer or an experienced one, you're not going to want to miss out on the advice in this recorded webinar.
over 7 years ago
Managing Your Writing Life
Writer's Block
Marketing for Dead-Broke Writers – Class 8: Website Basics – Part 2a - video
Joel Scott
In this session author Joel Scott is answering questions that follow his webinar on the topic of website basics, including selecting a domain name, picking a hosting service, and using templates to build the website. This is the 1st item in a 2 part...
over 7 years ago
Creating a Website
Marketing for Dead-Broke Writers – Class 8: Website Basics – Part 2a - podcast
Joel Scott
In this session author Joel Scott is answering questions that follow his webinar on the topic of website basics, including selecting a domain name, picking a hosting service, and using templates to build the website. This is the 1st item in a 2 part...
over 7 years ago
Creating a Website
Hollywood 101 Class 1: Hollywood Basics - recorded webinar
Conrad Sun
Learn how Hollywood brings a story to life on the big screen in the first part of the ALC's exclusive Hollywood 101 series. Over the course of the webinar you'll discover everything you've ever wanted to know about the early development process, financing...
over 6 years ago
Book to Screen