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Children's Books
Writing for Kids
Writing for Kids
Writing for Kids
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Writing in Rhyme for Children and Getting Your Work Published - video
Children's author Diane Z. Shore is a big fan of writing in rhyme because of the enjoyment it brings to children. Shore didn't know much about poetry or rhyme when...
Diane Z. Shore
Diane Z. Shore on How Magazines Helped to Get Her First Children’s Book Published - podcast
Inspired by her two-year old daughter, author Diane Z. Shore wrote her first children's book manuscript years ago about a sticker mishap. Focused solely on getting...
Diane Z. Shore
4 Things to Know About Independent Juvenile Publishing - recorded webinar
In this webinar, children’s authors and illustrators Andy and Bernice Tate share advice on self-publishing juvenile books. There are four key points to know about...
Andy Tate and Bernice Tate
Delivering Age Appropriate Content When Publishing Catholic Children's Books - podcast
For writer and editor Bart Tesoriero, the key to being successful when writing for children is remembering they are simple. A writer must focus on what will spark...
Bart Tesoriero
Delivering Age Appropriate Content When Publishing Catholic Children's Books - video
For writer and editor Bart Tesoriero, the key to being successful when writing for children is remembering they are simple. A writer must focus on what will spark...
Bart Tesoriero