Elements of a Fairytale Retelling

A fairytale retelling, also called a "fractured fairytale", means taking a myth, legend, fairytale or children's story, and telling it in a new way. Per young adult fantasy author Annie Sullivan, this new approach can be implemented in the setting, a character, the ending, or even in telling the story from a new perspective. She encourages writers to find the aspect of that original story that really appeals to you, and then think about how you can put your own twist on it. In her novel, A Touch of Gold, Sullivan used the mythical story of King Midas as her inspiration, but focused on the perspective of King Midas' daughter and how she was turned to gold. She recommends authors find at least 2, possibly 3, new elements to add to their version of the story to make it intriguing.

Sullivan enjoys using fairytales as a foundation for her stories because she loves putting a twist on the princess aspect, where the princess has more power and control instead of being saved all of the time.

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