Film can be an extraordinary vehicle to learn about storytelling says award-winning author and film critic Sam Staley (SR Staley). Screenwriters have the challenging job of telling a comprehensive story within a specific structure and set amount of time. Screenwriting is a skill that requires discipline and a very lean approach to effective storytelling, explains Staley. As a film critic, Staley has learned to watch films with an analytical eye, enhancing his own storytelling abilities. Dialogue and visuals are critical to a film because these are the elements that will move the story forward. While dialogue is equally important when writing fiction, fiction storytellers also have to figure out how to make a reader visualize things through effective descriptions, utilizing the senses. The big advantage that fiction writers have over screenwriters, he says, is that fiction writers can describe touch, which is the most bonding of the five senses.
I just read your reply Marka and it really touched me. Unfortunately, when I went to read your bio and came back to finish my reply, it was gone. So take 2, lol. From memory, I said I was surprised that your reply provoked emotion in me in such a short piece of writing. Additionally, your poetic voice is lovely. Luke Davies, (author, poet and screenwriter) has the same qualities, eloquent and melodic. I think you poets have a great edge when it comes to being an author. That is what prompted me to check out your bio, hoping you are writing something. I do hope you are continuing with your memoir (my genre too). My advice, if you have not yet published) is to go through the resources here at ALC, videos, podcasts, programs etc and educate yourself in order to edit your manuscript as best possible. There are also resources to help with submitting your MS to agents and or publishers. Please don't give up hope. Many of us authors are tight with cash or have been down in the dumps which is where much of our material comes from. It's often said, ' write what you know. ' Having similarities with your background and speaking from experience, I also hope you can get some form of therapy whether that be a counsellor or psychologist, whatever is within your means. After decades of doing so, I've found therapists that specialise in a couple or at least one of these fields, (most importantly abuse), are best-equipped to give support and guidance or you may end up like I've done, stopping midway to reassure them, ' it's OK, ' when in fact it's not. ' I don't often write a lengthy reply but as I said, your writing is wonderful and worthy of such. I was wondering if you have Irish heritage after using 'St Patrick's Day' as the name of one of your fundraisers? If you are of Irish descent, welcome to the family of storytellers, it's in our blood lol! Love to hear from you Marka sometime in the future. And never give up.
Great informative piece from Sam touching on senses. I was unaware the touch was our most bonding sense and that we as authors can capitalize on this in our writing BONUS.
Touch I like that
I love everything he said. I can relate to a lot of the characterizing through words. When writing I did have to define all my characters, even when writing poetry. I wanted to put the readers in certain moods and see my characters in certain ways. So wordings had to specify who was who and emphasize the choiced words for each person. It makes writing fun.
I loved this!