When building a a new world to support a story setting, science fiction and fantasy writers have a lot of work to do. The bar was initially set in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, where the world was so captivating that fandoms still exist today, decades after its initial publication. Aspiring science fiction and fantasy authors need to take their time and explore every facet of their imaginary worlds, including religion. Neil V. Young, author and technical writer, explains how writers can use religion as a tool in world building. Faith can be a central piece in a story, and it often is in horror fiction. Young calls this driving force the “divine power”. Other stories use the power of nature, arcane power, sorcery, and many more. Complex new worlds require religious systems in order to function, according to Young. “Religion is absolutely essential, especially if you’re world building,” says Young, “It dictates everything...Religion can permeate all levels of society.” Watch the clip below as Young explains the ways in which religion is woven into a society and gives examples of religion in the daily life of a fictional world.