Rejection is a necessary part of the publishing process. Learning to cope with it is a part of publishing a book. But, what if instead of coping with rejection, an author learned to use rejection to propel himself or herself across the finish line? Elle E. Ire, author and educator, explains why celebrating author rejections is a vital part of the writing process. “Rejection is a part of the game. And I call it a game because I like to play,” says Ire. She encourages authors to use rejection instead of dwelling on it. It was one of her greatest regrets that she stopped trying to publish her first book because of rejection. It’s important for authors to wear their rejections proudly because a rejection is a sign of bravery. She and her husband host rejection parties that are a celebration of the hard work that it takes to put yourself out there. It’s a scary thing to submit your work anywhere, but courage is a vital part of being an author. In the clip below, learn to transform rejections into signs of victory.