Writing Groups

Browse the videos, articles and podcasts:

  • Racquel Henry on Founding the Writer’s Atelier

    Writing is typically done in solitary spaces, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely process. Inviting other people into your work can spark creativity, prompt motivation...
    Racquel Henry
    • Racquel Henry
  • Finding Courage for Feedback - video

    Getting feedback is painful, but once you’ve decided to allow others to critique your work, how do you find groups who are willing to do it? Or who are qualified...
    Jamie Brenner
    • Jamie Brenner
  • Finding Courage for Feedback - podcast

    Getting feedback is painful, but once you’ve decided to allow others to critique your work, how do you find groups who are willing to do it? Or who are qualified...
    Jamie Brenner
    • Jamie Brenner
  • What is the Goal of Writers' Groups? - podcast

    Writing is a famously solitary process, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a lonely one. Especially as authors start to market, it can be helpful to have a built...
    P.J. Hoover
    • P.J. Hoover
  • What is the Goal of Writers' Groups? - video

    Writing is a famously solitary process, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a lonely one. Especially as authors start to market, it can be helpful to have a built...
    P.J. Hoover
    • P.J. Hoover