Title Leading Story - podcast

National bestselling children’s author R.L. Stine shares inspiration on how to come up with story ideas. He typically thinks of a great book title first, and then creates a story from the title. This technique is the reverse of what most authors would do, but it shows us that there is more than one way to create new stories. It is also a great example of how to play on our strengths. He knows what works for him and he replicates it every time. Find what works for you in story development, then leverage it every time.
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  • I feel he gave me great ideas and pointers. Since I am going to write a children book for my next adventure of writing, Since adoption runs in our family, this will be the main issue and it will be based on me and my adoption experiences Thank you
  • This is a fabulous talk – I love it – and have enjoyed listening to it again. I was overjoyed to hear you say you find the title first.Great titles often pop into my head, maybe I can foster that. Thanks again, Giddy
  • Thank You for sharing, :You confirmed what I always thought was a good way to start a project. thanks again
  • My grandson loved your books when in Middle School! I was trying to remember your name when talking to the first rep of AuthorHouse, Terry Johnson. Thanks for being involved with author learning center and I like and will try your method of new story ideas. Sharon
  • Thank you so much for saying that! I almost always see something that triggers the title and then I'm off on the story. I will do it with more confidence in future. May be I'll get something published one day, Giddy