Muse on Demand - podcast

New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author Bella Andre, who writes under three separate pen names, discusses her writing process and schedule, including how her process changes from book to book. Like most authors, Andre believes she has a muse, but she is able to channel the muse on demand. She encourages other authors to experiment and do what works best for them. 
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  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Leslie - I agree, she is brilliant. :) But don't sell yourself short - I say just write for as long as you can every time and that's always going to be enough... because it has to be.
  • Wow I can't write creatively for 8 hours it blows my brain out. Is it just me or is she that brilliant? She definately motivated me to try and write in any enviroment possible.
  • I am a "slow fast writer:" An idea percolates for months or even years, then BOOM! Out come the words. Not a fast or efficient process. How to speed things up a bit?
  • I found your talk helpful & inspiring. Wish I could be as fast and as focused as you are. JRS
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Charlie- I'll pass your message on to Bella. Thanks!