Self-Inflicted Obstacles to Becoming a Writer and How to Overcome Them - podcast

As a radio commentator,  marketing consultant, teacher, and newspaper columnist, Lauretta Hannon has been in the communications industry a long time. When she considered pursuing writing her memoir The Cracker Queen she faced many internal hurdles and obstacles, the biggest being that she didn't feel she was a good enough writer. She continued to let her self-doubt and life get in the way but then realized that if she set her mind to doing it she could no longer hide behind the list of excuses that were building. One question that she asks her writing students is, "What are you willing to do, be, or give up in order to be successful as a writer?" It's a question that every new writer must ask in order to determine his or her level of commitment. 

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  • Thank you, I have only written some 50 or 60 pages of my Non Fiction Memoir which is so dear to my heart of my beloved pet and what she has and does encounter etc., I have signed up with iUniverse not sure if anyone knows of them in hopes that once I use DRAGON program I downloaded to get my thoughts and memories on paper/laptop I can continue and get it moving quicker, I have very little time, nor am I good at re-reading over and over where I left off to continue every few weeks or months when I want to add more information, hopefully I can disregard editing until the end as advised and get an editor to do that and just get the FACTS & STORY down, and get moving, I am not getting any younger and want it published this year. thanks for being there ALC and everyone and I would love any info., or advise offered to assist me as this is new to me and my first book. Thank you!  Regards, Lynn :)  (