Author and Third Day lead guitarist Mark Lee spent years trying to write that perfect first chapter and struggled to get past this need for perfection. He tried different tactics such as following NaNoWriMo to expedite the writing process but wasn't able to dedicate the time required by the program's schedule. Lee then began to study books in the Young Adult genre for inspiration. Eventually finding a break in his band tour schedule, Lee took that inspiration and challenged himself to keep writing without stopping to edit or perfect the work. He followed a disciplined writing schedule that allowed him to reach his goal in just a few months.The end result was a completed memoir manuscript that needed a lot of TLC, but by finishing the first draft before doing any editing Lee was able to step back and see any holes in the story, areas for improvement, and unifying themes.
Thanks for this info! I'm kinda stuck and I think it's because I am trying to be too "perfect" with it all. My book title (I'm pretty sure) is "Everybody Has a Table". I am emphasizing the the fact that we have lost the experience of sitting around a table - eating, fellowshipping, and getting to know people. Getting to know them enough that we can share the gospel. Half of the book is recipes. The other half is venues/categories of people/places where we should be doing this.
Your video was very encouraging and made sense to me. I'm going to give it a try...Thank you !
Personally, 'getting started' is the hardest thing for me; it's the culprit of why I've been putting off the idea of writing for three years by now! The "just write, and not worry about editing until you get it all down on paper" is THE notion that kickstarts the wheel. Thank you!!
Thank you, for the useful tip. I'm all new at this so I'm taking baby steps right now.
Thanks so much, very useful