There are many reasons or obstacles that keep writers from starting or finishing a book. Some of the more common include not having enough time, not feeling confident in their writing abilities, and wondering if their story even matters. When Gregg Gonzales, the founder of The SpeakEasy Method, hears writers express these obstacles or concerns, he asks them two questions:
1) Why does this story or book matter to you?2) Is there one person you can think of that would benefit from you telling your story? He's never met a writer that says "No" to question number two. He believes if you can think of at least one person that will benefit from your book, you are obligated to share it. Through The SpeakEasy Method, Gonzales provides the motivation or inspiration needed to help writers bring the story out and finish a first draft.
Thank you for sharing. I commenced my book about 3 years ago, after the loss of my parents, 4 days apart. My book is a memoir with tips to help others through loss and grief.
Hi Christine, we have a lot of helpful resources on Memoir on the ALC, here are a few to get you started: