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From Page to Screen: Taking Your Story to Hollywood - article
I’m always in awe of anybody who has managed to write a novel. I find the idea overwhelming and quite wonderful. In the movie business, people look to other people’s...
Pen Densham
From Page to Screen: Taking Your Story to Hollywood - video
Hollywood producers often look to literature for their next big movie. The trick is getting their attention. Pen Densham, Hollywood producer, writer, and director...
Pen Densham
Tales from the Indie Film Trenches - video
In this interview, Pen Densham—professor, writer, producer, and director—talks about his experiences getting started in the indie film industry. His inspiring story...
Pen Densham
The Differences in Development Between Film and Television - podcast
The development for film and television can differ greatly with respect to time lines and costs. When a project is being developed for television it is usually pitched...
Caroline Weiss
The Differences in Development Between Film and Television - video
The development for film and television can differ greatly with respect to time lines and costs. When a project is being developed for television it is usually pitched...
Caroline Weiss