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The Cold, Hard Facts: What Hollywood Wants in a Book Acquisition - podcast
When Hollywood is looking for their next big movie idea, they often look to books. However, for a book to become a movie, the book must meet certain criteria. Ken...
Ken Atchity
The Cold, Hard Facts: What Hollywood Wants in a Book Acquisition - article
The number one criteria when Hollywood decides whether to acquire a book is castability. You have to have characters who can be played by significant names, actors and...
Ken Atchity
The Cold, Hard Facts: What Hollywood Wants in a Book Acquisition - video
When Hollywood is looking for their next big movie idea, they often look to books. However, for a book to become a movie, the book must meet certain criteria. Ken...
Ken Atchity
Book to Film: What Hollywood Looks for in Children's Literature - podcast
Want to turn your book into a movie or television show? Production companies always look to books as a source of material. When you look at the history of the Oscars...
Eddie Gamarra
Book to Film: What Hollywood Looks for in Children's Literature - video
Want to turn your book into a movie or television show? Production companies always look to books as a source of material. When you look at the history of the Oscars...
Eddie Gamarra