Author Learning Center
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Perfect Pitch - recorded webinar
Steve Piacente
Here’s a 30-second pitch you’ll want to embrace. Author and professional communication coach Steve Piacente will offer tips and techniques on how to create a quick, memorable pitch, and how to deliver it with the most impact. Listen to this webinar to...
over 8 years ago
Marketing Plan
Elevator Pitch
Building a Brand - recorded webinar
Philippa Burgess
Building an author brand is essential to your success. Whether you're self-publishing a book, traditionally publishing, or looking to sell your story to film and television studios, establishing and promoting your brand as an author and professional...
over 8 years ago
Marketing Plan
Live Webinars
Introduction to Book in a Year - recorded webinar
Keith Ogorek
Congratulations on enrolling in the Book in a Year program and taking the next step toward having your published book in your hands! This webinar session, presented by Author Learning Center President Keith Ogorek, will cover how the program works, how...
over 7 years ago
I have an Idea!
Choosing Your Topic
The Finer Points of Punctuation - recorded webinar
Ashley Petry
This is the first of four classes in our "Grammar Book Camp" series! Each class stands alone, with a special focus on grammar and writing. In this class, copy editor Ashley Petry dives into some helpful tips and clarifies some confusing punctuation rules...
over 8 years ago
Basic Editing
Life Coaching for Writers - recorded webinar
Steve Piacente
Sometimes even the best writer needs a little help to get where he or she wants to be. Whether you’ve got the worst case of writer’s block or just feeling a little lost, a life coach can pull you out of that rut and set you on the path forward. In this...
over 7 years ago
Managing Your Writing Life
Time Management
The Fundamentals of Writing Fiction - recorded webinar
Donna Hatch
Have a great story idea but need to learn the basic elements of writing good fiction? Join award-winning author, Donna Hatch, as she reviews the fundamentals of fiction writing – setting, plot, theme, character development, prose, dialogue and more...
over 7 years ago
Plot Planning
Creativity: Find it, Catch it - recorded webinar
Douglas Gardham
Have you been searching for that creative process only to find out there isn’t one? Creativity comes in as many forms as there are ways to think about it. Sometimes it's forced, sometimes it's inspired, but most of the time it’s something in-between...
over 7 years ago
I have an Idea!
Book in a Year: Getting Started with Nonfiction - recorded webinar
Cathy Fyock
If your Book in a Year goal is to write and publish a nonfiction book that complements your expertise or interests, this webinar is for you. Join book coach and author Cathy Fyock, The Business Book Strategist, as she leads you through learning and skill...
over 7 years ago
Platform and Credibility
Uncovering the 6 Obstacles Blocking You From Finishing Your Book - recorded webinar
Tom McKinley
Join author Tom McKinley as he breaks down the 6 obstacles blocking you from finishing your book. Whether you're a first time writer or an experienced one, you're not going to want to miss out on the advice in this recorded webinar.
over 7 years ago
Managing Your Writing Life
Writer's Block