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NONFICTION AUTHORS: You love to do research & have great ideas for nonfiction articles, but how do you get them traditionally published? You have written personal essays about your life. Is there a market for stories like these? What about a nonfiction book where you have expertise? Do you need an agent? Your life experience is fascinating & unusual, & you've written a memoir. How do you find a traditional publisher for your memoir? Award-winning author Jeanne Lyet Gassman will address the many paths to traditional publication for nonfiction, including short articles, essays, nonfiction books, & memoirs.

FICTION AUTHORS: You've written that short story or novel, but what do you do with it now? How do you find traditional markets for your short fiction? Do you need an agent for your novel? Jeanne will share the process of publishing your novel with a traditional publisher, including finding reputable agents, writing query letters, & preparing a synopsis. She will also address publishing short fiction, including formatting, writer's guidelines, markets, & submission procedures.

About the Presenter:
Jeanne Lyet Gassman lives in the mountains of New Mexico where she writes & teaches. Her debut novel, "Blood of a Stone" (Tuscany Press), received a Bronze 2015 Independent Publisher Book Award. Her short work has been nominated for Best Small Fictions and the Pushcart Prize. Other awards include fellowships from Ragdale and the Arizona Commission on the Arts. Her short fiction, creative nonfiction, & poetry have been published in numerous literary magazines and anthologies, including "45 Poems of Protest: The Pandemic", "Bosque7", "Dear America: Reflections on Race", "Debris & Detritus: The Lesser Greek Gods Running Amok", "The Manifest-Station", "Queen Mob's Tea House", & "Hippocampus Magazine", among many others. Jeanne recently received a New Mexico Writers Grant for her novel-in-progress, a story about a family of downwinders who were affected by the radioactive fallout from the atomic bomb tests in Nevada.

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