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The Benefits of Participating in Writing and Critique Groups
Joining local writing and critique groups can go a long way in improving your craft, as author Neil V. Young explains.
Neil V. Young
How Writing Groups and Cohorts Can Support Your Career
Bestselling author and Wannabe Press founder Russell Nohelty has created an online Facebook group to provide a place for writers and authors to go to get support. Publishing...
Russell Nohelty
Author Kathi Macias on the Benefits of Joining Writing Groups for Christian Authors
By joining a writer’s group and engaging with other writers, you expose yourself to a wealth of learning opportunities, explains author, editor, and ghostwriter Kathi...
Kathi Macias
The Value of Critique Groups and Editors in Helping Authors Prepare Their Manuscript
As social creatures, humans need people they can create with and grow with, and this extends to authors in the writing process, says literary agent Steve Hutson. A critique...
Steve Hutson
The YA Chicks and the Benefits of Collaborating With Other Authors
It’s a cliché that a writer’s life is solitary because so much of the writing process is done in private. However, writers don’t need to be lonely. The writing community...
Racquel Henry