Spiritual Writing: Write Because You Have To - video

Author and agent Bill Gladstone shares his advice for authors writing spiritual books. He recommends that if you are an author with a true and important spiritual message, write and publish because it needs to be communicated—don't focus on the success it might have. In some ways, spirituality is like any other field. If you want people to listen to your message, you need to become an expert share your message through workshops and speaking events. The difference is that if you look at the bestselling authors of books on spirituality, few of them intentionally set out to become financially successful through their writing. They wrote because they felt they had to. So write something with real value. Write something that’s important to you, and share it with as many people as you can. And if it becomes a bestseller, that’s wonderful; but even if it doesn’t, you’ve fulfilled your purpose in writing the book.
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  • That's exactly what I needed today. I have my second book due out in 10 days and it is a devotional guide based on the stories of my life. For example, when my little dog got out and I found him, the story of the lost sheep became more than just a story. It may never be a best seller, but I write because I have to - because it is as important to my life as breathing.
  • The title of my book I wrote is that God Ain't Thinking What You're Thinking. To let others know that no matter what you're going through God will bring you out. The struggles I went through was rough, but I'm still here. I believe that this book will help others with their life struggles. I'm trusting in the Lord that this book will reach many soul's and that they will be bless, and be encourage to live an have a prosper life.
  • Your last sentence says it all! Great advise! With this in mind I wrote my book. It was a healing and interesting experience. Very suprising how it got a life of its own, without me planning on it. Now it is in the editor's hands. When published, we'll see what happens.